Iata cum verifica angajatii Apple MacBook-urile inainte de a decide daca le accepta in garantie

  Procesul de verificare al unui Mac in cadrul unui Apple Store, sau a unui reseller, presupune verificarea produsului pentru a se vedea daca a fost supus unor lovituri, accidente sau alte actiuni menite a ii deforma carcasa si componentele interne. Dent Inspection Tool se numeste obiectul pe care il vedeti in imaginea de mai sus, iar el are rolul de a va inspecta Mac-urile pentru a vedea daca exista parti ale carcasei care au fost indoite. Daca exista o asemenea problema, atunci un tehnician Apple poate anula garantia produsului vostru fara nicio ezitare, Apple cerandu-le sa efectueze asemenea verificari atunci cand un produs este adus pentru a fi primit in garantie.

The Dent Inspection Tool is designed to check three types of visual damage on any portable aluminum Mac:

1. Dents in the Lower and Upper casing (bottom plate/sides/keyboard). This is tested by using the side with the 1mm spike and placing the spike in the center of the dent. If any part of the rest of the tool is able to lay flat, a repair center will be able to deny the warranty and in apples view the warranty is voided.

2. Dents in the display clamshell casing. This is tested using the opposite side of the tool, which has a smaller spike that is not labeled (possibly 0.5mm or less). The same rule applies: when siting the spike in the center of a dent, if the tool sits flat the warranty is voided.

3. Dents on the corners of the device. This is tested as seen in the image below, with the tool lining it up along the sides of the Macbook. If it does not sit flat along the edges, the warranty is voided.

  Cerintele celor de la Apple par a fi arbitrare, insa din pacate o lovitura poate genera o problema mare pentru componentele interne si in lipsa unei metode de a inspecta vizual Mac-ul, Apple avea nevoie de o ustensila de acest gen. Desigur ca nu toti tehnicienii se bazeaza pe inspectia externa a Mac-ului, unii dintre ei folosind un software special care porneste Mac-ul si ruleaza o serie de aplicatii pentru diagnosticare. In baza unei asemenea inspectii se decide daca Mac-ul poate fi primit in garantie sau nu, iar in general produsele beneficiaza de garantie daca nu au probleme care ar fi putut fi generate de catre utilizatori.

AST (Apple Service Toolkit)–A server application which allows machines to boot a quick and dirty diagnostics image that checks if it can detect and communicate to each part of the machine. It is also able to provide reports of the battery capacity and let technicians know if it required to be replaced. The AST Is designed to be run in front of the customer to explain potential issues when booking in the machine and to show them that the issue has been resolved when it is collected after repair.

ASD (Apple Service Diagnostic)–This is the REAL testing software. It runs actual stress testing software on the hardware. As an example it checks RAM for errors, test read/write speeds on the hard drive, monitors fan speed and temperature sensors, and runs OpenGL graphics tests.

There is a very long list of tests that it runs through, and at the end there will either be a massive green rectangle that says pass or a massive red one that says fail.