iOS 7 – schimbarile pregatite de Jony Ive vor afecta substantial experienta de utilizare a aplicatiilor native

  Saptamana trecuta am aflat ca Jony Ive se pregateste sa schimbe complet conceptia noastra in legatura cu iOS 7 si aplicatiile sale native, iar astazi un fost angajat al Apple, Ben Thompson, ne readuce aminte ca modificarile vor fi substantiale. Jony Ive controleaza echipa care dezvolta interfata “umana” a aplicatiilor si a sistemului de operare, iar acest lucru semnifica faptul ca experienta de utilizare a iOS 7 va fi profund schimbata de catre Ive, iar noi vom resimti din plin toate aceste schimbari.

But there are a lot of product attributes that don’t have those sorts of measures. Product attributes that are more emotive and less tangible. But they’re really important. There’s a lot of stuff that’s really important that you can’t distill down to a number. 

And I think one of the things with design is that when you look at an object you make many many decisions about it, not consciously, and I think one of the jobs of a designer is that you’re very sensitive to trying to understand what goes on between seeing something and filling out your perception of it. You know we all can look at the same object, but we will all perceive it in a very unique way. It means something different to each of us. Part of the job of a designer is to try to understand what happens between physically seeing something and interpreting it.

  Desi la o prima vedere se pare ca Jony Ive intentioneaza sa schimbe doar design-ul iOS 7, modificarile implementate de catre el includ functionalitatea aplicatiilor, iar aici deocamdata nimeni nu a spus absolut nimic concrent in legatura cu ceea ce urmeaza sa vedem. Stim ca urmeaza sa vedem schimbari majore, stim ca ele ne vor impresiona chiar de la prezentare, insa din pacate nu stim exact ce presupune aceasta schimbare majora pe care o prezinta Apple.

  In ciuda acestui lucru, nu trebuie sa va asteptati sa vedeti tot ceea ce ne demonstreaza conceptele, adica nu va asteptati sa vedeti widget-uri, noi sisteme de multitasking, sau alte lucruri asemenea.


  1. Un design mai simplu, din care sa fie eliminate efectele 3D si umbrele ar aduce si un spor de performanta pentru interfata. In privinta functiilor, probabil ca vor continua integrarea aplicatiilor si serviciilor sociale in sistemul de operare.