O instanta de judecata din Germania a decis ca Apple incalca legislatia privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal

  Apple este o companie care analizeaza tot felul de date trimise din iDevice-urile propriilor clienti si desi in SUA respecta legislatia privind protectia datelor personale, se pare ca in Germania nu se intampla acelasi lucru. O instanta locala a decis ca Apple nu are dreptul sa preia de la consumatori date cu caracter confidential(cele privind locatiile, etc) fara sa le spuna acestora in ce scop urmeaza ele sa fie utilizate si caror advertiseri urmeaza sa le fie ele oferite.

Apple Inc. (AAPL), already facing a U.S. privacy lawsuit over its information-sharing practices, was told by a German court to change its rules for handling customer data. A Berlin court struck down eight of 15 provisions in Apple’s general data-use terms because they deviate too much from German laws, a consumer group said in a statement on its website today. The court said Apple can’t ask for “global consent” to use customer data or use information on the locations of customers.

“The ruling shows the high importance of data protection for consumers in a digital world,” said Gerd Billen, head of the group, Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband.

  Desi in TOS-ul iOS-ului Apple le cere utilizatorilor sa accepte faptul ca datele lor ar putea ajunge la oricine si pot fi utilizate in orice scop, instanta din germania spune ca Apple nu poate impune reguli globale in iOS. Mai exact, Apple trebuie sa faca special pentru Germania un mesaj de avertisment care sa le spuna cetatenilor germani cum intentioneaza compania sa le foloseasca informatiile despre locatii, etc, altfel risca sa nu mai poata vinde iDevice-uri in Germania.

Apple had already signed a binding declaration that it wouldn’t use seven of the 15 clauses VZBV had objected to before the German suit was filed, the consumer group said. The remaining eight provisions were invalidated by today’s ruling, VZBV said. German law allows recognized consumer groups to sue companies over illegal terms and conditions. Apple asked customers in the terms for “global consent” to use their data, while German law requires that clients know in detail what data is used for what purpose, VZBV said. Apple also may not ask for permission to use names, addresses and phone numbers of users’ contacts.

  Instalta germana se opune unui numar de 15 clauze din TOS-ul iOS-ului, Apple s-a obligat deja sa nu respecte 7 dintre ele, insa in cazul celorlalte 8 urmeaza sa faca un apel impotriva deciziei.