RSAP Bluetooth implementeaza sistemul remote SIM Access Protocol in iOS

  RSAP Bluetooth este un tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem implementa in iOS suport pentru profilul Bluetooth rSAP. Conform descrierii tweak-ului, rSAP(remote SIM Access Protocol) ar putea permite posesorilor de terminale iPhone 4S sau iPhone 5, cu iOS 6 instalat, sa foloseasca sistemul de telefonie al unei masini pentru a plasa apeluri telefonice fara a utiliza cartela din terminale. Practic sistemul de telefonie al masinii ar inlocui cartela SIM din terminal si ati putea plasa apeluri.

This system extension provides rSAP (remote SIM Access Protocol) Bluetooth profile support for iPhones 4S and 5 running iOS 5 and 6 only. Remote SIM Access allows car telephone systems to take over the SIM card in your mobile phone in a way that you can use the cars antenna and speakerphone set while driving. The tweak uses Bluetooth Companion package by Matthias Ringwald and is therefore perfectly integrated with the IOS Bluetooth stack and its services, meaning you can for example use PBAP for phonebook access and A2DP for wireless audio transmission in parallel.

  RSAP Bluetooth este disponibil sub forma de trial in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia, iar mai multe detalii despre sistem aflati aici.