BMarks Bar – Chrome implementeaza un bookmarks bar in Google Chrome pentru iOS

  BMarks Bar – Chrome este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei seri in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem implementa in Google Chrome pentru iOS un bookmarks bar. Tweak-ul implementeaza pentru iDevice-uri o bara de bookmark-uri care ne permite sa accesam rapid website-urile favorite fara prea mult efort, browserul neavand in mod normal o asemenea functionalitate. Bara de bookmark-uri afiseaza link-urile salvate in foldere speciale, intrega bara fiind personalizabila prin intermediul unui meniu de setari care este disponibil in aplicatia Settings a iOS si contine o multitudine de functii.

Adds a bookmarks bar to Chrome. The iOS version of Chrome lacks an essential feature, a bookmarks bar! BMarks Bar alleviates this problem with a sleek bookmarks bar the way it should have been from the start. Open folders by either tapping on them or panning down from them, when you pan to open a folder you can even select bookmarks and sub folders just by moving over them and lifting your finger. The bar is also highly customizable based on your needs. NOTE: Not yet tested on iPhone/iPod Touch(Though should work), Works on iPad and iPad Mini.

  BMarks Bar – Chrome este disponibil la pretul de 1$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.