Apple genereaza o pagina speciala in care prezinta statusul refacerii portalului dedicat dezvoltatorilor

  Dupa problemele avute de catre Apple cu portalul dezvoltatorilor, care a fost exploatat si inchis pentru a impiedica preluarea datelor, compania a promis ca va schimba complet sistemul in baza caruia functioneaza portalul. Dupa o saptamana de indisponibilitate, Apple a publicat in cursul noptii trecute un mesaj prin care atentionaza dezvoltatorii in legatura cu existenta unei pagini in care sunt prezentate toate serviciile dedicate portalului, dar si statusul acestora. Pe masura ce fiecare serviciu va fi refacut, el va fi marcat ca fiind online si accesibil, iar deocamdata observati ca exista mult de lucru.

  Apple descrie in mesajul de mai jos ordinea in care vor fi redeschise serviciile dedicate dezvoltatorilor si toate informatiile disponibile deja in portal vor fi repuse la dispozitia dezvoltatorilor. Nimeni nu stie cat va dura acest proces de regenerare a portalului, insa daca sunteti dezvoltator puteti urmari statusul sau in aceasta pagina.

Apple Developer Update

We apologize for the significant inconvenience caused by our developer website downtime. We’ve been working around the clock to overhaul our developer systems, update our server software, and rebuild our entire database. While we complete the work to bring our systems back online, we want to share the latest with you.

We plan to roll out our updated systems, starting with Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, Apple Developer Forums, Bug Reporter, pre-release developer libraries, and videos first. Next, we will restore software downloads, so that the latest betas of iOS 7, Xcode 5, and OS X Mavericks will once again be available to program members. We’ll then bring the remaining systems online. To keep you up to date on our progress, we’ve created a status page to display the availability of our systems.

If your program membership is set to expire during this period, it will be extended and your app will remain on the App Store. If you have any other concerns about your account, please contact us.

Thank you for your continued patience.