– un nou mod de a ne organiza timpul este o aplicatie lansata acum mai bine de o luna de zile in App Store, iar prin intermedul sau ne putem organiza timpul intr-un mod cu totul diferit. Gandita ca o aplicatie de tipul Reminders, ofera o modalitate diferita de a tine minte lucrurile importante pe care trebuie sa le facem in mod constant. Daca o aplicatie de tipul Reminders pur si simplu afiseaza informatiile si ne trimite o alerta cand trebuie sa facem ceva, genereaza o serie de timere care ne spun cat timp urmeaza sa treaca pana in momentul in care urmeaza sa facem ceva, astfel ca vom sti tot timpul cat avem de asteptat pana la acel moment. Organize your life via timers. is an amazing reminder application, where you can set your due dates, events etc. and start your countdown for them. Look how much time is left for all of your events real time & never miss anything – like your favorite TV show’s release dates, personal events, task’s due dates etc. It will surely be your favorite – change the way you organize your life.


  • Easily add your event and start your countdown.
  • Check how much time is left for your due dates.
  • Get notified when your countdown ends.
  • Share your countdowns on Facebook & Twitter este disponibila acum gratuit in App Store.

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Developer: Taner Yildirim
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: – Organize your life via timers. is an amazing reminder application, where you can set your due dates, events etc. and start your countdown for them. Look how much time …

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 0.6 Mb