Doi fost angajati Apple sustin ca filmul jOBS este o pura fictiune (Video)

  Steve Wozniak a afirmat acum cateva luni ca intamplarile relatate in pelicula jOBS nu au vreo legatura cu realitatea, iar Ashton Kutcher a sustinut ca Sony il plateste sa sustina pelicula pe care compania urmeaza sa o lanseze probabil anul viitor. Separat de afirmatiile lui Wozniak, Daniel Kottke si Bill Fernandez, doi dintre primii angajati ai Apple, sustin ca pelicula jOBS este pura fictiune, regizorii inventand o buna parte dintre intamplarile relatate. Cei doi incep prin a povesti ca scenele in care primii angajati ai Apple sunt prezenti in garajul lui Steve Jobs sunt ireale, deoarece niciodata nu erau mai mult de 2 – 3 persoane, iar Steve Wozniak nu era mereu prezent acolo.

Daniel Kottke: Well, I’ll tell you what it wasn’t like. What you see in the film, and in “Pirates Of Silicon Valley”—you saw that, right, Bill? I was really the only person who worked in the garage. Woz would show up once a week with his latest to test it out, and Steve Jobs was on the phone a lot in the kitchen. The current film also has these scenes where you, Bill, and me, and Randy and Chris and there’s a whole gang, and Bill Atkinson, and Rod Holt. We’re all in the garage.

Bill Fernandez: [laughs] We never had that many people in the garage at any one time.

Daniel Kottke: What completely cracked us all up is the scene where Rod arrives for the first time. Rod comes up wearing leathers, riding up on a motorcycle with long hair.

Bill Fernandez: WHAT?!

Daniel Kottke: He’s like this motorcycle dude. It just cracked us all up.

Bill Fernandez: WHAT?! [laughs]

  Continuand, cei doi vorbesc despre o scena la o conventie pentru computere in care Ashton Kutcher[Steve Jobs] tine un discurs pentru prezentarea Apple II, insa in realitate acest lucru nu s-a intamplat, iar in pelicula nu se prezinta nici contextul in care a fost lansat Mac-ul, sau concurenta sa. Mai multe puteti citi in interviul dat de catre cei doi pentru Slashdot si puteti afla cat din ceea ce veti vedea in film este real sau nu.

Daniel Kottke: It really blew me away. But anyway, that speech that Ashton does: “Ladies and gentlemen, I am Steve Jobs, and I’m going to introduce you to the Apple II, blah blah blah.”  That speech that he gives never happened, for sure. [laughs] It was just a booth at a computer show… There’s a whole other aspect that wasn’t even touched: the personal computing environment. The Commodore PET computer came out, and we were concerned that we might lose to them. And the Radio Shack TRS-80 came out. And from what I gathered, there’s nothing in the movie that sets the context.