Aplicatia Red Bull TV te ajuta sa urmaresti LIVE toate evenimentele importante sponsorizate de catre Red Bull

  Red Bull TV este o aplicatie disponibila de ceva vreme in App Store, ea fiind dezvoltata si administrata de catre celebra companie Red Bull. Aplicatia a fost conceputa in ideea de a le permite utilizatorilor sa urmareasca de pe propriile iDevice-uri cele mai importante evenimente Red Bull, unele dintre ele fiind disponibile sub forma de inregistrari, altele putand fi vizualizate in direct. Aplicatia contine inclusiv un program al urmatoarelor evenimente sponsorizate de catre Red Bull, iar daca aveti o conexiune de internet rapida, le puteti urmari de pe propriile terminale.

Free and exclusive Mobile TV – Red Bull TV is your exclusive wingman to the best seats at spectacular sporting and culture experiences worldwide – all without having to leave your location or put down your mobile phone. It’s 3 p.m. and you’re chained to your desk. You’ve refreshed your Facebook page 100 times, and your Twitter followers know every song you’ve listened to today. Lucky for you, there’s a fresh escape. No airline ticket required to drop into a club in the Caribbean, a party in Brazil, or a surfing expedition in the South Pacific.

Break out of your daily routine and become a part of the world of Red Bull! Live and exclusive.  With access to amazing sporting and cultural events, you’ll never miss a beat as Red Bull TV gives you the chance to take a closer look at the action. Meet your favorite athletes and go behind the scenes at major sporting events. You can even go back and watch previously aired Live Events in their entirety! 

  Aplicatia Red Bull TV este disponibila gratuit in App Store.

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Red Bull TV



Developer: Red Bull Media Ho…
Categoria: Entertainment

Descriere: Free and exclusive Mobile TV – Red Bull TV is your exclusive wingman to the best seats at spectacular sporting and culture experiences worldwide all without having to leave your location or put down your …

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