Find My iPhone ajuta politia americana sa gaseasca un copil aflat intr-o masina furata

  Find My iPhone, serviciul Apple prin intermediul caruia putem localiza iDevice-urile noastre care au GPS-ul activ si sistemul functional, a fost utilizat de catre politia americana pentru a gasi un copil aflat intr-o masina furata. Tatal copilului a lasat cel mai probabil masina pornita cand a oprit pentru a intra intr-un magazin, iar acest lucru a convins un hot ca savarsirea infractiunilor de rapire si furt de masini este un act pe care trebuie sa il faca. Spre ghinionul sau, in masina se afla un iPhone care avea Find My iPhone activ, iar prin intermediul tabletei sale iPad, tatal a reusit sa anunte politia si sa monitorizeze pozitia masinii prin GPS.

The father had an iPad that he’d taken in with him and he utilized that iPad with the iPhone that was in the car and was able to track it,” said Lt. Wayne Schultz with the Harris County Precinct 4 Constable’s Office. “And the information was provided from our deputies to our dispatch, that was able to be communicated through the Harris County Sheriff’s Office dispatch also and they were able to get information out to the troops in the field to where we could disseminate information in almost a real-time environment to put it out to guys who were looking for the vehicle with the child in it.

  Politia a reusit sa recupereze masina si copilul la 15 minute dupa furt, copilul fiind teafara si nevatamat. In ciuda faptului ca serviciul Find my iPhone genereaza consum suplimentar al autonomiei bateriei, in baza sa oricine isi poate recupera rapid un iDevice pierdut, iar uneori lucrurile pot merge chiar mai departe de atat.