PhotosEnhancer Pro 2 ofera noi metode de protejare a librariri foto/video din iOS si multe altele (Video)


  PhotosEnhancer Pro 2 este un tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, el reprezentand o versiune actualizata si imbuntatita a unui pachet cu acelasi nume, lansat anul trecut in Cydia. Folosind acest vechi tweak al Cydia putem ascunde si proteja cu parola albumele foto/video ale iDevice-urilor noastre, putem activa un meniu ascuns de optiuni pentru partajarea pozelor sau clipurilor video, putem taia bucati din filme pentru utilizarea ca si wallpaper-uri, putem sterge poze sincronizate prin libraria iTunes, putem salva pozele sincronizate direct in camera Roll, putem aranja albumele si edita numele lor, putem rearanja pozele din Camera Roll, si alte cateva lucruri interesante.

  In clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentata intreaga functionalitate a PhotosEnhancer Pro 2, iar in Cydia il veti gasi gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss.

Protect :

  • Now with UnHide/Hide Option you can put a password to protect your albums from strangers’s hands

Share :

  • This Tweak open the closed options to share your videos, by default Apple allow you to share your videos on YOUTUBE, MAIL and iMessages. But with this Tweak you will be able to share your videos with more than those options, either you can crop a video to take piece as a wallpaper.
  • Photos, Now you can share your photos to Some Sites Like youtube and etc.

Synced :

  • This Tweak allows you to delete photos which synced from iTunes Library
  • Allow you to save those synced photos to camera roll.
  • Allow you to share those synced photos to thers options like youtube and etc.

Albums List :

  • Now you can arrange albums and edit those names.
  • you will be able to arrange camera roll as well from above to bottom.