Lookback Anywhere inregistreaza toate actiunile intreprinse in aplicatiile din iOS 7

  Lookback Anywhere este o aplicatie disponibil din cursul acestei seri in Cydia, iar el a fost gandit special pentru utilizatorii care doresc sa inregistreze tot felul de date in timpul utilizarii aplicatiilor si nu numai. Aceasta aplicatie poate inregistra tot ceea ce se intampla pe ecran, un feed video al camerei frontale, un feed audio oferit de catre microfonul principal al iDevice-urilor, atingerile facute pe ecran, ecranele vizualizate de catre noi, toate datele putand fi vizualizate in website-ul producatorilor.

Lookback Anywhere is a tool for user experience collection that is added to all the apps on your phone. Lookback records the screen, the front-facing camera, microphone, metadata, touches and active views, and uploads it all in near-realtime to lookback.io where you can study and dive into the data. Shake your device or short-press the lock screen button to start recording. You can configure this action from Activator. Some use cases are:

  • User testing sessions. Instead of mounting web cams in your testing lab to record both the screen and your tester’s reactions, let Lookback do the hard work for you.
  • Long-term usability study. Let a user record a week of using your app, and study trends, reactions and recurring problems.
  • Quality assurance. Record videos of found bugs, complete with a trace of how the tester reached it.

  Fiind extrem de util pentru dezvoltatori sau diverse persoane interesante sa inregistreze aceste date pentru studii, aplicatia s-ar putea dovedi a fi periculoasa deoarece datele ajung in serverele dezvoltatorilor. Daca totusi sunteti interesati de Lookback Anywhere, atunci va spun ca aplicatia o puteti descarca gratuit din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.