Apple se pregateste sa lanseze o gama intreaga de produse complet noi conform lui Tim Cook

  Dupa discutarea rezultatelor financiare ale companiei Apple pentru primele trei luni ale acestui an, CEO-ul Tim Cook a facut cateva declaratii interesante intr-un interviu acordat celor de la Wall Street Journal. Tim Cook a declarat din nou ca Apple este foarte aproape de a lansa o serie complet noua de produse, ele fiind dezvoltate de ceva vreme pentru a fi cat se poate de bune inainte de a ajunge pe piata. Cook sustine ca Apple are o obsesie pentru perfectionarea tuturor detaliilor unor produse si compania nu se va schimba, CEO-ul fiind increzator ca produsele ce urmeaza sa fie lansate vor fi extrem de populare, fara a oferi totusi detalii despre ele.

You want to take the time to get it right. Our objective has never been to be first. It’s to be the best. To do things really well, it takes time. You can see a lot of products that have been brought to market where the thinking isn’t really deep and, as a consequence, these things don’t do very well. We don’t do very many things so we spend a lot of time on every detail and that part of Apple isn’t changing. It’s the way we’ve operated for years and it’s the way we still operate. I feel great about what we’ve got coming. Really great and it’s closer than it’s ever been.

  Separat de aceste informatii, Tim Cook a afirmat totusi ca Apple este interesata in dezvoltarea unui sistem de plati mobile pentru iDevice-uri, cele 800 de milioane de conturi iTunes sustinandu-i interesul. Cook a afirmat in cursul serii trecute ca marea majoritate a acestor conturi au un card atasat, deci vorbim probabil de peste 400 de milioane de carduri existente in sistemul Apple si dezvoltarea unui sistem de plati mobile pentru el nu este altceva decat urmatoarea miscare logica.

I think it’s a really interesting area. We have almost 800 million iTunes accounts and the majority of those have credit cards behind them. We already have people using Touch ID to buy things across our store, so it’s an area of interest to us. And it’s an area where nobody has figured it out yet. I realize that there are some companies playing in it, but you still have a wallet in your back pocket and I do too which probably means it hasn’t been figured out just yet.