Creatorul Safari pentru iOS vorbeste despre colaborarea cu Steve Jobs in perioada lansarii primului iPhone

  Francisco Tolmasky este numele angajatului Apple care in anii 2006 – 2007 a lucrat la dezvoltarea versiunii mobile a browserului Safari, cea care avea sa ajunga in iOS. Vorbind intr-un interviu dat celor de la New York Times, Tolmasky spune ca Steve Jobs a fost initial suspicios in ceea ce priveste angajarea sa, fostul CEO Apple icnercand sa protejeze proiectul de eventuali spioni trimisi de catre companiile concurente. Angajat temporar de catre Apple, Tolmasky sustine ca tastatura Safari a fost rezultatul unui hackathon organizat de catre Steve Jobs, insa desigur ca el era nemultumit de ea, asa ca intreaga echipa dezvoltatoare a Safari a fost nevoita sa faca tastaturi timp de o saptamana, Francisco reusind sa produca cea mai buna versiune, fiind mai apoi angajat permanent la Apple.

He was super guarded about the project, and he was probably suspicious of some random 20-year-old. I remember being very frustrated. This was, like, an impossible task. The keyboard, he said, was the result of a sort of hackathon run by Mr. Jobs. The chief executive had been unhappy with the keyboard prototypes for the iPhone, so he assigned everyone on the team to work only on keyboards for an entire week. An engineer on Mr. Tolmasky’s team won the contest, and from then on his full-time job was to work on the iPhone keyboard.

  Rezolvand problemele Safari, noul angajat a aflat imediat cat de convingator poate fi Steve Jobs si cat de bine reuseste el sa-si motiveze angajatii sa dezvolte exact ceea ce are el nevoie in perioada de timp pe care o impune. In aceasta idee aplicatia Maps a fost dezvoltata in doar doua saptamani de zile si a fost prezentata de catre Jobs la Macworld. Mai departe fostul inginer povesteste despre personalitatea lui Steve Jobs si modul in care acesta conducea intalnirile echipei care dezvolta iPhone-ul, detalii suplimentare fiind disponibile in articolul celor de la New York Times.

Within a week he had something that was working, and in two weeks he had something to show at Macworld that we were showing, That was the kind of effect Steve could have on you: This is important, this needs to happen, and you do it. Mr. Jobs was notorious for throwing his weight around however he could. One person on the iPhone design team was also named Steve, which caused some confusion in meetings. Mr. Jobs sought to change this.“At some point Steve Jobs got really frustrated with this and said ‘Guess what, you’re Margaret from now on,’” Mr. Tolmasky said. From there on, members of the team would always address the designer Steve as Margaret.

Parasind compania Apple, Tolmasky a fost co-fondatorul unui start-up care a fost achizitionat de catre Motorola pentru suma de 20 de milioane de dolari, compania sa producand un joc interesant dedicat terminalelor mobile.