Apple anunta aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii

MUJO aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii

  Este vineri si ca de obicei vorbim despre aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii promovata de catre compania Apple, cei din Cupertino actualizandu-si promotiile pentru App Store. Pentru urmatoarele 7 zile compania Apple a decis sa ofere gratuit aplicatia MUJO pentru utilizatorii sai de iDevice-uri, ea fiind disponibila de ceva vreme in magazinul sau.

  MUJO este un puzzle game care, conform dezvoltatorilor sai, are un gameplay unic, el oferind posibilitatea de a colecta piese pentru a ataca monstri. Jocul este, aparent, fara o un final conceput pentru dezvoltatori, astfel ca actiunea sa poate fi extinsa fara limite de catre utilizatorii care isi fac acum curajul de a il instala.

MUJO is a unique puzzle game with features that cannot be found in any other game. Let’s start collecting tiles and erase them all to attack monsters! This game has no end! Enjoy whenever you want as much as you would like. Stack three or more connected sword tiles by holding them down. The more tiles you stack, the more offensive power you obtain! Then, tap three or more swords after arranging them together. You can inflict damage to monsters and defeat them. Destroy monsters from the Greek myths appearing one after another.

  Scopul jocului este de a conecta trei sai mai multe piese de puzzle care reprezinta o sabie, conectarea unui numar mai mare de piese oferind o putere ofensiva mai mare. Dupa conectarea piesele va trebui sa faceti un tap pe ele pentru a le aranja si a ataca monstrii din joc, fiecare atac avand o putere limitata, afectand intr-o anumita masura monstrul

  Jocul are implementate o varietate de personaje care reprezinta inclusiv zei din mitologia greaca, astfel ca ii puteti convinge sa vi se alieze in lupta impotriva monstrilor. Acesti zei isi vor folosi abilitatile unice pentru a invinge monstrii care le stau in fata, totul intr-un joc aparent interesant.

A variety of gods from the Greek myths may appear out of treasure chests that come out once in a while! They can be your allies. Win through the battles against monsters while utilizing the various abilities of the gods. Easy but profound game development. A puzzle system that you have never experienced. Many cool gods and monsters designed by HEY. Beautiful but minimal graphic designs and animation. Possible to compete with world-wide players and friends at GameCenter.

  MUJO este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA in format universal in App Store pana vinerea viitoare.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Oink Games Inc.
Categoria: Games

Descriere: MUJO is a unique puzzle game with features that cannot be found in any other game. Lets start collecting tiles and erase them all to attack monsters!

This game has no end! Enjoy whenever you want as much …

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 57.2 Mb