Google Calendar pentru iPhone a fost lansata

  Google Calendar este o aplicatie pentru iPhone lansata in cursul acestei zile de catre compania Google, ea fiind prezentata in clipul video de mai sus cu functionalitatea pe care ne-o ofera in momentul de fata. Conform companiei din Mountain View, aplicatia ne permite sa vizualizam intregul timeline de evenimente din calendar impreuna cu poze si informatii despre locatiile in care mergem. Mai mult decat atat, Google Calendar afiseaza informatii din Gmail pentru zboruri, hoteluri, concerte, rezervari la restaurante, aplicatia avand diverse moduri de vizualizare si optiunea de a afisa toate calendarele intr-o singura interfata.

  • Get the official Google Calendar app for your iPhone to save time and make the most of every day.
  • A new Schedule View – See your schedule at a glance with photos and maps of the places you’re going.
  • Events from Gmail – Flight, hotel, concert, restaurant reservations and more are added to your calendar automatically.
  • Assists to fill in your calendar – You can quickly create events with smart suggestions for event titles, places and people.
  • Different ways to view your calendar – Speedily switch between viewing a single day to getting an overview of multiple days at once.
  • All your calendars in one, easy place – Google Calendar works with all calendars on your phone, including Exchange and iCloud.

  Aplicatia Google Calendar pentru iPhone este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA din App Store.