Android urineaza pe Apple, Google inchide Map Maker

Android urineaza pe Apple, Google inchide Map MakerAndroid urineaza pe Apple este una dintre cele mai recente “glume” facut epentru a ataca imaginea companiei americane, cei de la Google afirmand ca un utilizator a exploatat sistemul Map Maker a Google Maps pentru a lua in ras Apple. Avand in vedere ca vorbim despre o problema foarte mare pentru Google, acasta “gluma” demonstrand ca datele din Google Maps pot fi intr-o mare masura eronate, compania americana a inchis Map Maker.

Pentru cei dintre voi care nu stiu, Map Maker este sistemul care permitea trimiterea de editari pentru hartile Google Maps, el fiind in cea mai mare parte neverificat de catre angajatii celor de la Google. Lucrurile se schimba acum, iar dupa ce Android a urinat pe logo-ul Apple compania Google a decis ca este momentul sa fie mai atenta cu ceea ce fac utilizatorii sai cu sistemele online importante utilizate de sute de milioane de persoane.

Decizia celor de la Google de a supraveghea mai atent modul in care sunt facute schimbarile pentru Google Maps prin Map Maker au generat o foarte lunga lista de asteptare pentru modificari propuse de catre utilizatori, asa ca Google a decis sa inchida sistemul. Mai jos aveti motivarea completa a deciziei luate de catre cei de la Google, astfel ca incepand de maine sistemul Map Maker nu va mai fi accesibil.

Hello Mappers,
As some of you know already, we have been experiencing escalated attacks to spam Google Maps over the past few months. The most recent incident was particularly troubling and unfortunate – a strong user in our community chose to go and create a large scale prank on the Map. As a consequence, we suspended auto-approval and user moderation across the globe, till we figured out ways to add more intelligent mechanisms to prevent such incidents.
All of our edits are currently going through a manual review process.
We have been analyzing the problem and have made several changes. However, it is becoming clear that fixing some of this is actually going to take longer than a few days. As you can imagine, turning automated and user moderation off has the direct implication of very large backlogs of edits requiring manual review. This in turn means your edits will take a long time to get published.
Given the current state of the system, we have come to the conclusion that it is not fair to any of our users to let them continue to spend time editing. Every edit you make is essentially going to a backlog that is growing very fast. We believe that it is more fair to only say that if we do not have the capacity to review edits at roughly the rate they come in, we have to take a pause.
We have hence decided to temporarily disable editing across all countries starting Tuesday, May 12, 2015, till we have our moderation system back in action. This will be a temporary situation and one that we hope to come out of as soon as possible.
While this is a very difficult, short term decision, we think this will help us get to a better state faster. More importantly, we believe it is simply the right thing to do to all of you, our valued users who continue to edit with the hope that your changes might go live as fast as you’ve been used to.
Pavithra Kanakarajan on behalf of Google Map Maker team