Cydia 1.1.20 update a fost lansat, rezolva probleme majore

Cydia 1.1.20Cydia 1.1.20 update a fost lansat cu doar cateva zeci de minute in urma de catre creatorul aplicatiei, actualizarea de astazi avand rolul de a rezolva o multitudine de probleme pe care utilizatorii le-au intalnit dupa efectuarea iOS 8.4 jailbreak.

Mai jos aveti intregul changelog al schimbarilor facute de catre saurik pentru aplicatia Cydia si vorbim despre o rezolvare a unei probleme care inchidea sectiunea Sources, o rezolvare pentru functia ignore pentru actualizari care nu avea efect.

Mai mult decat atat, acum pachetele instalate partial vor fi instalate corect cand aveti afisata optiunea de a rezolva problema, veti avea afisate in mod corect informatiile privind spatiul de stocare coupat de pachete, iar in final aflam ca toate sursele sunt salvate in backup-urile iTunes.

Cydia 1.1.20 poate fi instalata prin deschiderea aplicatiei Cydia si folosirea optiunii complete upgrade.

Cydia 1.1.20 is a bug fix release.

Section Hiding Sometimes Crashed

If you went to “Sources”, tapped “All Sources” (or an individual source), tapped “Edit”, and toggled section hiding on or off, Cydia could crash. (This feature lets you hide specific categories of packages from showing up in “Changes” if you aren’t interested in them.) Cydia should no longer crash when you do that.

Ignore Upgrades Didn’t Do Anything

If you had gone to “Change Package Settings” at the top of a package page for an installed package, and then chose “Ignore Upgrades” (which means “do not include this package when selecting Upgrade All”), that feature wasn’t doing anything. It should now work again.

“Fix Half-Installed Package”… Didn’t

Ordinarily when a package installation fails for some reason, it can be left in a “half-installed” state, and Cydia offers to fix this state for you — but this wasn’t working. Now if you get a half-installed package and accept the option to fix it, it should get fixed.

Storage Reported Impossible Values

If you went to the Cydia homepage, tapped “Storage Information”, and tapped “Storage” to learn how much room you have for new packages, Cydia reported strange numbers. Cydia should report reasonable numbers now.

Missing Changelog Item Re Backup

When we wrote the changelog for Cydia 1.1.19, we forgot to mention that as of Cydia 1.1.19, your sources list is now included in your iTunes backup. This means that if you add a few sources, backup your jailbroken device, restore, and both put your backup onto your device and jailbreak again, Cydia will conveniently have your list of sources including the ones you added.