Steve Jobs si jaful din fata unui restaurant

Steve Jobs jaf restaurantSteve Jobs si Steve Wozniak au fost jefuiti in fata unei pizzerii cu foarte multi ani in urma, unul dintre hotii care i-au jefuit scotand o arma pe care a apropiat-o de regretatul co-fondator al companiei Apple.

Steve Wozniak si Steve Jobs incercau atunci sa vanda una dintre celebrele lor blue boxes, adica o cutie care le permitea americanilor sa faca apeluri telefonice gratuite, hotul fiind de fapt o persoana catre care ei prezentasera acel dispozitiv in pizzerie in ideea de a il vinde.

Dupa ce i-au demonstrat cum functioneaza dispozitivul, Steve Jobs si Steve Wozniak s-au urcat in propria masina dorind sa plece, insa hotii s-au intors si au scos o arma pe care au apropiat-o de geamul soferului, masina fiind condusa de catre Steve Jobs, dispozitivul ajungand in posesia lor.

Partea interesanta este ca hotii nu stiau sa foloseasca respectivul dispozitiv, asa ca Jobs si Wozniak au primit numele si numarul de telefon al unuia dintre hoti in ideea de a il suna si ajuta sa foloseasca respectivul dispozitiv, lucru care desigur ca nu s-a intamplat.

This was in a pizza parlor in Sunnyvale. Two guys looked like they might be interested [in buying a blue box]. We took them back to a pay phone and made a call to Chicago for them. They were enamored and wanted the blue box, but they had no money. We got out to the car and they show up with a gun and stick it in Steve’s face. We gave them the blue box. But they didn’t know how to use it. They gave us a phone number to call so we could tell them how to use it. I came up with this idea of telling them a method that would get them caught by the police, or one that would get them billed. We didn’t do it. But, boy, it would have been funny.

Povestea aceasta a fost relatata de catre Steve Wozniak initial in 2011 in timpul unui interviu, dar si aseara intr-o emisiune in care a fost, impreuna cu Seth Rogen, invitatul lui Jimmy Fallon.