Over este aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii pentru iPhone si iPad

Apple a anuntat cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii in App Store in cursul zilei de ieri, cei din Cupertino promovand un titlu grozav pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-urile utilizatorilor din lumea intreaga.

Over este aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii pentru iPhone si iPad si vorbim despre un titlul care ne ofera posibilitatea de a modifica pozele din terminalele noastre cu aplicarea unei multitudini de elemente grafice sau texte dupa bunul nostru plac.

Dupa cum puteti vedea si in imaginea de mai jos, Over ne pune imaginatia la incercare cu o gama extrem de variata de functii pe care le putem incerca din interfata intuitiva creata pentru iPhone, iPad sau iPod Touch-uri, totul oferind o experienta extrem de interesanta.

Design a greeting card — Visualize an idea — Promote an event — Market your real estate — Layout a business card — Sell stuff on craigslist — Joke around — Make a meme — Caption your pets — Comment on politics — Review a meal — Tell a story — Share your love — Express your feelings — Organize your thoughts — Store measurements — Keep ingredients — Study for a test — Remember details — Track your progress — Celebrate a victory! — Encourage a friend — Give directions — Inspire your fans — Motivate your team — Quote famous people.

Creatorii Over sustin ca aplicatia lor are peste 300 de fonturi si 800 de ilustratii pe care le putem folosi, cei care nu au poze disponibile putand alege una dintre milioanele de poze care sle sunt puse la dispozitie prin serviciile de partajare de poze care sunt integrate.

  • TO INFINITY & BEYOND: supercharge your photos with a spectacular collection of 300+ fonts, 800+ illustrations AND more new content all the time.
  • NO PHOTO? NO PROBLEM! we’ve partnered with two of the world’s best photo sources to put fresh daily images in your hand for FREE. Just look for Unsplash & Pixabay under Add-Ons.
  • A PERFECT COLOR MATCH: use the color sampler and grab perfect matching colors from any pixel on your canvas.
  • SWIPE TO FIND YOUR TYPE: glide through hundreds of fonts and then organize your favorites.
  • ANY FONT, ANYWHERE: install your own fonts, just find it on the Internet, “Open in Over” and voila.
  • GO UNDER WITH OVER: activate the FREE Blend Add-On and precisely hide parts of your text & artwork, giving you an infinite number of effects.
  • MAKE THAT TEXT POP: activate the FREE Drop Shadow Add-On and create amazing text effects using shadows that lift the text & artwork right off the photo.
  • GENTLE ADJUSTMENTS: using the nudge tool you can position any object with pixel perfection.
  • CROP ME MAYBE: find the perfect crop for Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, iPhone, Apple Watch and more!

Over este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA, in format universal, din App Store.

Over aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii