The Mesh este aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii pentru iPhone si iPad

Apple a anuntat cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii in App Store in cursul zilei de ieri, cei din Cupertino promovand un titlu grozav pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-urile utilizatorilor din lumea intreaga.

The Mesh este aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch oferita gratuit de catre cei din Cupertino in urmatoarea saptamana si vorbim despre un joc extrem de interesant care s-a dovedit a fi extrem de popular din momentul lansarii si pana in prezent.

The Mesh va ofera controlul asupra a 12 creaturi ale zodiacului antic, jocul reinventand modul in care ne jucam cu numerele, noi avand rolul de a face diverse combinatii pentru a obtine cele mai mari scoruri si a trece de la un nivel la altul cat mai repede.

Can you reach 200 points and unlock the 12 creatures of the ancient zodiac? The Mesh is an innovative game that reinvents the way we play with numbers. Combine the numbered tiles and find the best way to achieve the highest score possible. But, be careful and think twice every move! If The Mesh runs out of cells, the game is over. Now with ZEN Mode. Enjoy the game at your pace without time pressure!

The Mesh este dezvoltat in baza unui concept original al dezvoltatorilor sai, modul de interactiune cu titlul fiind gandit special pentru a oferi cea mai buna experienta pentru utilizatori, fundalul sonor completand si potentand tot ceea ce ofera aplicatia pentru noi.

  • Everything has been created from scratch. New original concept and innovative gameplay.
  • The interactions with the mesh have been designed to be an experience on its own. Every reaction, animation, and detail have been crafted with an organic behaviour, making it a joy just to play with it.
  • The aesthetics of the game have been a goal in itself from the very beginning. With this idea in mind we have been working tirelessly to provide the game a true aesthetic category.
  • Music and audio have been carefully selected to create an immersive experience. Five core songs represent the elements of the zodiac during the game; water, wood, earth, metal, and fire. Best experienced with headphones.
  • Launched exclusively for iOS devices and specifically designed for iPhone and iPad.
  • Premium Game without in-app purchases. Because we want you to enjoy nothing less than the full experience.
  • No publishers, no investors. As always, Thank you for your support!

The Mesh este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA, in format universal, in urmatoarele 7 zile.

The Mesh