Asphalt Xtreme a fost lansat pentru iPhone si iPad

Asphalt Xtreme a fost lansat in cursul noptii trecute in AppStore pentru iPhone si iPad, compania Gameloft oferind noua versiune la mai bine de un an dupa cea anterioara. In clipul video de mai jos puteti vedea gameplay-ul pe care il ofera Asphalt Xtreme pentru noi din momentul lansarii, jocul avand o lume virtuala diferita fata de cea a versiunii anterioare.

Conform companiei Gameloft, Asphalt Xtreme ne poarta in lumea masinilor offroad, intreaga actiune desfasurandu-se in locatii special amenajate pentru astfel de evenimente. Mai mult decat atat, masinile sunt special create pentru asemenea tipuri de curse, deci veti avea parte de o experienta complet diferita fata de Asphalt 8.

In Asphalt Xtreme putem folosi una dintre cele 35 de masini offroad create de catre dezvoltatori, de la muscle car-uri si pana la camionete modificate pentru curse. Toate aceste masini sunt impartite in 7 categorii diferite, astfel ca ne va fi mult mai usor sa alegem automobilul potrivit pentru tipul de cursa la care vom participa.

Separat de crearea unei intregi lumi virtuale noi pentru Asphalt Xtreme, cei de la Gameloft au creat un nou modul multiplayer, astfel ca vom putea concura cu pana la 8 jucatori online simultan. Practic, Asphalt Xtreme ne permite sa devenim mult mai activi, inclusiv cu prietenii nostri, deci vom petrece mai mult timp in joc.

  • 35 MONSTER MACHINES: Release your inner beast in a Monster Truck. Feed your passion for speed with a Muscle Car. Or just go wild on the track in a Buggy, Pickup, Rally Car, SUV or Truck!
  • UNLEASH YOUR STYLE: All 7 off-road vehicle types deliver unique flavors of gameplay, allowing you to constantly discover fresh and challenging experiences.
  • THE BIGGEST BRANDS: We’ve unleashed Jeep, Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Predator, Dodge, Chevrolet and loads more of off-road racing’s best licensed machines.
  • REAL-TIME MULTIPLAYER: Go head-to-head in 8-player simultaneous free-for-alls! You’ll be facing some tight competition, so stay on top of your game!
  • THE WORLD IS YOUR RACETRACK: Race in a variety of exotic locations from all over the globe, including the glaciers of Svalbard, the dunes of the Nile Valley, the lush jungles of Phuket in Thailand, the industrial might of Detroit’s steel mills & more.
  • CUSTOMIZE YOUR RIDE: Want to pump up your car’s power? Feel like decking out its style? There’s an impressive collection of upgrades for all of that.
  • GET THE FULL OFF-ROAD EXPERIENCE: With 5 game modes, 400+ Career events, 500+ Mastery challenges, Limited-Time Events and more on the way, prepare for a truckload of new content!
  • AN UNRIVALLED EXPERIENCE: You won’t experience graphics more intense, or action more mind-blowing, in any other racer. So gas up and take off!

Asphalt Xtreme este disponibil pentru descarcare gratuit din AppStore, informat universal, urmand acest link.