The Robot Factory este aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii pentru iPhone si iPad

Apple a anuntat aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii in cursul noptii trecute in App Store pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch, ea putand fi descarcata fara plata de catre utilizatorii care doresc sa beneficieze de promotie.

The Robot Factory este aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii pentru iPhone si iPad aleasa de catre compania Apple pentru a fi oferita gratuit in urmatoarele 7 zile. Vorbim despre un joculet foarte interesant in care noi avem rolul de a crea o varietate de roboti folosind toate componentele pe care dezvoltatorii ni le pun la dispozitie in lumea virtuala a titlului.

Constructia unui robot incepe de la un simplu schelet pe care trebuie sa adaugam o varietate de mecanisme necesare functionarii robotului nostru. Motoare, piese metalice, picioare, maini, componente electronice, o “fata” umana si multe altele ne sunt puse la dispozitie pentru a crea robotii cu care sa ne putem lauda in fata prietenilor care joaca acelasi titlu.

“Create robots. Test robots. Collect robots. Build with exoskeletons, zephyr mechanisms, hydrostatic tentacles, machinos locomotors, G-Force mixers, and more! Make any robot you can imagine! Robot cats. Robot samurais. Robot spies.”

The Robot Factory ne ofera posibilitatea de a crea mii de roboti combinand cele 100 de piese pe care dezvoltatorii ni le ofera, deci imaginatia noastra este singurul impediment al distractiei. Dupa cum puteti vedea, The Robot Factory are si o gama extrem de variata de functii pentru cei interesati sa se distreze cu adevarat, asa ca putem avea parte de o experienta excelenta.

  • Build thousands of different robots from 100 parts.
  • Test your robots to see if they will (or won’t!) walk, run, hop, and fly.
  • Try out physics-driven robot parts in real world situations; swap them out for different results.
  • Colorize your robots with nine different color schemes.
  • Record your own robot sounds.
  • Collect your robots in your own showroom. Keep an eye on them, day or night!
  • Send text messages with robot stickers! Sticker pack is included.
  • Make your robots dance.
  • Intuitive, safe, and kid-friendly design.
  • Multi-user system: each child can create and save their own robots.
  • Entertaining for kids and adults alike.
  • No in-app purchases or 3rd party advertising. Play in peace!
  • Download The Robot Factory Technical Manual, in the app or on our website, for code of ethics and details about robot parts, gizmos, and tools.
  • Original artwork by Owen Davey, the illustrator behind TwoDots.
  • Original sound design.

The Robot Factory este disponibil pentru descarcare gratuita, in format universal din AppStore, urmand acest link.