Volodimir Zelenski Anunta Noi Atacuri Brutale ale Rusiei in Ucraina

Volodimir Zelenski Anunta Noi Atacuri Brutale ale Rusiei in Ucraina

Volodimir Zelenski anunta noi atacuri brutale care au fost lansate de catre Rusia impotriva Ucrainei in ultimele saptamani, iar asta pentru ca vorbim despre bombardamente in Herson, Harkov si Donbas, regiuni in care rusii inca mai incearca sa castige/recastige teritorii.

Volodimir Zelenski anunta ca situatia pe frontul din Ucraina este una destul de dificila in momentul de fata, ceva ce desigur ca nu este de mirare, insa chiar si asa, armata tarii sale inca incearca sa faca fata terorii.

“Only since the beginning of this day, Russia has already shelled Kherson more than 16 times! Only in one day! And so every day. Communities of the Kharkiv region were again shelled. In Donbas, as in all previous weeks, brutal Russian attacks continue.

The occupiers throw everyone and everything they have into the offensive. They cannot defeat our army, so they physically destroy every town and village so that there are no buildings, not even walls, that can be used for any kind of defense.

The only way to stop this is to push the Russian terrorists out of Ukrainian land step by step. This is to continue the pressure on Russia. It’s finding new and new ways to bring every Russian terrorist, every Russian oligarch who helps a terrorist state, and every Russian official and propagandist to justice – to hold them accountable for everything they do. They do it against Ukraine and against freedom as such.

Thank you to everyone who fights and works for Ukraine! Thank you to everyone who holds the front in Donbas, in the south, who holds the border, who protects our sky and our people. Eternal memory to all those who gave their lives for freedom! Glory to Ukraine!

The war for the independence of Ukraine poses a strategic task to all of us – to bring to justice all Russian murderers, executioners and terrorists, to do everything possible at the level of the national judicial system to punish all those who committed crimes against our people and our state.

A Ukrainian court that is fair and able to work within a reasonable time frame is a key element in fulfilling this task.

Thank you to those judges and those court employees who feel the moral meaning of this work and who do everything to ensure that justice is felt in our society. Happy court employees’ day!”