O companie americana a fost sursa celor 12 milioane de UDID-uri furate de catre AntiSec

  Saptamana trecuta v-am spus ca un grup de hackeri a reusit sa fure 12 milioane de UDID-uri ale iDevice-urilor, iar impreuna cu ele au luat numerele de telefon, adresele detinatorilor si alte date importante. Hackerii au spus ca datele au fost obtinute de pe laptop-ul unui agent special al FBI, insa agentia a negat acest lucru, Apple a negat din ca ar fi oferit informatiile catre FBI si se pare ca ambele entitati au avut dreptate. Sursa celor 12 milioane de UDID-uri furate pare a fi compania BlueToad, ce are sediul in Florida, CEO-ul ei admitand 98% dintre informatiile publicate de hackeri apartin lor.

Paul DeHart, CEO of the Blue Toad publishing company, told NBC News that technicians at his firm downloaded the data released by Anonymous and compared it to the company’s own database. The analysis found a 98 percent correlation between the two datasets. ”That’s 100 percent confidence level, it’s our data,” DeHart said. “As soon as we found out we were involved and victimized, we approached the appropriate law enforcement officials, and we began to take steps to come forward, clear the record and take responsibility for this.”

  Dupa afirmatiile facute de CEO-ul BlueToad, cei de la Apple au afirmat ca datele persoanale ale utilizatorilor nu sunt colectate de aplicatii si probabil au fost oferite de buna voie de catre utilizatori. Avand in vedere cele afirmate de BlueToad, FBI-ul si Apple au iesit “curate” din intreaga problema, insa exista oricand posibilitatea ca aceste lucruri sa se intample din nou.

“As an app developer, BlueToad would have access to a user’s device information such as UDID, device name and type,” Apple spokeswoman Trudy Mullter told NBC News on Monday. “Developers do not have access to users’ account information, passwords or credit card information, unless a user specifically elects to provide that information to the developer.”