Snes9x EX+ – un nou emulator Snes pentru iOS

  Snes9x EX+ este un nou emulaator pentru iOS bazat pe Snes9x 1.53, el permitandu-va sa rulati jocurile SNES pe propriile iDevice-uri. Aceasta este o versiune imbunatatita a emulatorului Snes9x EX, ea foloseste mai multa putere de procesare si poate fi rulata doar pe terminalele care sunt compatibile cu iOS 5.X. Tableta iPad intra in categoria iDevice-urilor pe care puteti rula acest emulator, si din pacate el vine fara vreun joc gratuit.

  Jocurile pot fi transferate in iDevice-ul vostru cu ajutorul unor programe dedicate, deci vorbim despre transfer prin SSH sau prin USB, in functie de dorintele voastre. Snes9x EX+ este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

Advanced SNES emulator based on Snes9x 1.53 with near complete game compatibility, but uses more CPU power compared to the original Snes9x EX. Requires an ARMv7 iOS 5.0+ device and runs natively on the iPad. Transfer games to your device using SSH or other file transfer method (The recommended location is any directory under /var/mobile/Documents or /var/mobile/Media). Make sure the “mobile” user has write access to the directory for save functionality. If possible use a program that mounts your device over USB like iExplorer (Windows & OSX), or ifuse (Linux) to speed up transfers.

Visit the homepage (below) at for more info, ports for other platforms, and my other apps. This package comes with no games included. Do not contact the author for ROM images. This is an emulator, and requires ROM images. No ROMs are included.