Se apropie lansarea iOS 4.2!

La exact o saptamana dupa ce iOS 4.2 GM a fost lansat developerilor de aplicatii pentru iOS iata ca Apple publica un nou mesaj in dev center prin care le readuce developerilor aminte ca trebuie sa isi actualizeze aplicatiile pentru noua versiune de software. Avand in vedere ca mesajul a venit la fix o saptamana de la lansarea GM-ului ma gandesc la faptul ca versiunea finala a iOS 4.2 ar putea fi lansata la aproximativ inca o saptamana de la publicarea acestui mesaj.

Cand am vorbit initial despre lansarea iOS 4.2 am specificat faptul ca noua versiune de software ar putea fi efectiv lansata la 2 saptamana de la acea data si iata ca s-ar putea sa am dreptate.

iOS 4.2 will soon be in the hands of millions of customers around the world. Make sure that your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch apps incorporate all the exciting features in iOS 4.2, including:

Multitasking – Multitasking services allow your apps to perform tasks in the background including playing audio, push notifications, receiving location change events, and more.

Game Center – With the Game Kit API, you can implement Game Center functionality such as submitting and displaying achievements, scores, and leaderboards, and establishing multiplayer games.

AirPrint – iOS 4.2 allows you to easily enable instant wireless printing from your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch apps.

Submit Your Apps Today

Build, test, compile, and submit your apps for review using iOS 4.2 SDK GM seed so they can be ready when iOS 4.2 is available to users around the world.