Iata primul ecran MicroOLED

  Recent o companie a adus pe piata primul ecran MicroOLED pe care il aveti prezentat in imaginea de mai sus si care are un numar de pixeli mult mai mare decat cel al unui Retina Display, spre exemplu. Micutul ecran are o diagonala de doar 0.61 inch insa are nu mai putin de 5.4 milioane de pixeli, de aproape 10 ori mai multi decat cei prezenti intr-un ecran Retina implementat de Apple in iPhone 4/4S. Avand in vedere dimensiunea mica, ecranul este conceput in principal pentru utilizarea in scopuri militare sau in domeniul medicinei dar ar putea fi utilizat si in alte domenii in viitor.

Excellent picture quality is an essential requirement that cannot be compromised. MicroOLED has successfully met the challenge of achieving a very small pixel with good color and grey level rendition, along with maximum brightness.  Our advanced pixel design and very low voltage addressing technology have enabled MicroOLED to achieve a major breakthrough in microdisplay technology. We offer the finest resolution on a very tiny microdisplay, along with exceptional brightness and very low power consumption.

  Avand o densitate de pixeli er inch atat de mare si un consum de energie redus, acest gen de ecrane ar putea fi dezvoltate in versiuni mai mari dar pentru terminale mobile. Daca o companie ca Apple ar reusi sa aduca pe piata un asemenea produs intr-un iPhone ar schimba din nou mersul industriei si ar forta competitorii sa caute solutii asemanatoare iar rezultatul final va fi extrem de benefic pentru consumatori. Deocamdata tehnologia MicroLED are utilitate limitata insa nu se stie cum va fi folosita in viitor.

Grenoble, France, January 27, 2012 —MicroOLED, a maker of highly power-efficient superior image quality microdisplays for near-to-eye applications, today introduced a new 5.4 million pixel density 0.61 inch diagonal, low power consumption OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Display) microdisplay on silicon for applications demanding high picture quality, such as professional camera and camcorder equipment, night vision systems and head-mounted displays used in surgery. The ultra-compact 5.4 million-pixel microdisplay with a sub-pixel pitch of 4.7 micrometres by 4.7 micrometres is the highest pixel density OLED microdisplay available today. By doubling the pixel density of comparable products, MicroOLED has eliminated the gap between pixels. With no black matrix present, the resulting image resolution is of the highest quality. This makes the 5.4 million-pixel 0.61 inch diagonal microdisplay most suitable for defense, medical and professional camera applications that demand sharp images with very smooth transitional tones.

High contrast (maximum 100,000:1) and high uniformity (96 per cent) also play key roles in picture quality. Depending on how one drives the OLED microdisplay, it can perform using as low as 0.2W, half the power consumption of other products in its category. MicroOLED achieves this low level power consumption even when the fully digital video input is embedded.

“We are really excited by the market potential of our new 5.4 million pixel density 0.61 inch diagonal OLED microdisplay that is superior in picture quality to any product in its category,” said Eric Marcellin-Dibon, CEO of MicroOLED. “This OLED microdisplay is already creating quite a stir among world leaders in imaging products who commend the high pixel density and the remarkable image quality. Moreover, the current trend in replacing optics with electronics components fits excellently with our ability to produce this exceptional picture quality in miniature format. We see many opportunities opening up in existing applications and new markets as a result. 

MicroOLED will market the 5.4 million-pixel density 0.61 inch diagonal microdisplay to address needs in three areas: head-mounted displays used by surgeons, where high resolution and quality of colors and contrast are a must; professional camera and camcorders, where picture quality is key; and night vision applications, where heightened contrast and uniformity enable defense and security professionals to improve the performance of detection and identification equipment.

The 5.4 million-pixel density microdisplay comes in full color (16 million colors), SXGA or monochrome formats (2,560 by 2,048 pixels), both with digital video input. It meets the standard environmental operating requirements for military applications. The new product builds on MicroOLED’s exclusive OLED patent technology that is recognized for its ability to eliminate defects common in other microdisplays, such as color non-uniformity or fixed pattern noise.