Noul iPhone ar putea avea baterii organice care se incarca in 30 de secunde

  Desi prea multe nu se stiu despre noul terminal iPhone care va fi lansat in aceasta toamna iata ca acum aflam un lucru interesant, mai exact o publicatie britanica sustine ca bateriile organice ar putea face parte din dispozitiv. Bateriile organice puse in discutie sunt dezvoltate de cei de la NEC si se pot incarca complet in doar 30 de secunde dar partea interesanta este ca bateria poate retine 75% din capacitatea initiala chiar si dupa 500 de incarcari/descarcari. Bateriile celor de la NEC ar avea o grosime de doar 0.3 mm deci ar oferi celor de la Apple foarte mult spatiu pentru a implementa alte componente insa desigur ca vorbim doar despre un zvon in momentul de fata.

According to NEC, the incorporation of the circuit board offers 0.3mm thickness as the exterior material to cover the battery, by making use of polymer film of 0.05mm thickness. The Organic Radical battery is incredible which is resistant to repeated charging and discharging of high output. The capacity of the battery is 3mAh and the output is rated at 5kW/L. Most interestingly, even after 500 charge-discharge cycles the battery maintains 75 per cent of the charge. Apple is expected to use the mesmerising ORB in its iPhone 6.

  In iPad 3 Apple a implementat o baterie de capacitate mai mare pentru a sustine ecranul Retina al tabletei insa de acolo si pana la schimbarea completa a bateriei este cale lunga. Apple doreste sa ofere autonomie foarte buna pentru terminalele sale iar noile baterii ar oferi deocamdata doar cicluri mai rapide de reincarcare plus mai mult spatiu liber in carcasa iPhone-ului. Eu unul consider ca suntem inca departe de a putea folosi baterii care se incarca atat de repede si isi mentin capacitatea in timp insa poate Apple ne va face o surpriza placuta desi e greu de crezut.

NEC is “organic radical battery” features such as secondary battery having a thin, bendable (Note 1) in, has developed the ultra-thin battery that can be built into the 0.3mm thickness (0.76mm thickness standard) IC card . Organic radical battery, taking advantage of features not found in other secondary battery can be charged, beginning with, such as high-speed and high output of thin, flexible, lithium-ion batteries, such as electronic paper and to the sophistication of IC card Applying is expected. However, traditional thinning is the limit is 0.7mm, applied to the IC card having a standard thickness of 0.76mm was difficult. This time, The integration of the circuit board and battery by using a printing technology, we have achieved a 0.3mm thickness equal to or less than 1/2 compared with conventional. This has been achieved, such as and may be mounted on the IC card and the screen display function that requires a large power, communication function, advanced encryption processing functions, to apply to a wide range of applications. Features of the battery has been developed is as follows.