Ugens ansøgning fra Apple

Saptamana aceasta Apple a desemnat Bump ca fiind aplicatia saptamanii in AppStore. Bump este o aplicatie facuta de o companie americana care ne permite sa conectam 2 iDevice-uri unul la celalalt printr-o simpla lovitre a acestora. Loviti terminalele unul de celalalt, ele se vor interconecta si puteti trimite de la unul la altul poze, muzica, mesaje, profilurile voastre de pe Twitter/Facebook, intrati din calendar/etc. Aplicatia permite si o partajare a aplicatiilor dar e departe de ce credeti voi, practic folosind Bump puteti recomanda unui prieten sa cumpere o anumita aplicatie din AppStore trimitandu-i link`ul catre respectiva aplicatie. Bump este o aplicatie foarte utila si v-o recomand cu caldura.

Bump™ makes sharing with people as simple as bumping two phones together. Just pick what you want to send, then hold your phones and gently bump hands with another Bump user. And now, you can message with your friends who aren’t near you — just add them as a friend inside of Bump and start messaging immediately — it’s kind of like a long-distance “virtual bump”.

After you’ve bumped or added a friend on the Bump system, you can send messages anytime, complete with instant push notifications.



Udvikler: Bump Technologies...
Kategori: Sociale netværk

Beskrivelse: Bump makes sharing with people as simple as bumping two phones together. Just pick what you want to send, then hold your phones and gently bump hands with another Bump user. And now, you can message with y…

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