Steve Jobs er sikker på Apples fremtid selv efter hans pensionering

Om morgenen præsenterede jeg dig en analiza destul de interesanta asupra modului in care este condusa compania Apple dar si asupra structurii care ia deciziile importante privind viitorul companiei. Materialul a fost publicat in revista Fortune Magazine insa editorul respectivului articol a facut si cateva dezvaluiri foarte interesante despre Steve Jobs si ceea ce crede el despre viitorul companiei. Se pare ca Steve Jobs este increzator in faptul ca Apple va supravietui foarte bine chiar si in absenta sa, ba mai mult el a pus in miscare niste planuri care ii vor ajuta pe viitorii conducatori sa ia cele mai intelepte decizii.

Jobs himself believes he has set Apple on a course to survive in his absence. He has created a culture that, while not particularly jolly, has internalized his ways. … these days, he’s especially focused on institutionalizing his ways of doing business. His mission: to turn the traits that people most closely associate with Jobs–the attention to detail, the secrecy, the constant feedback–into processes that can ensure Apple’s excellence far into the future.

Steve Jobs este atat de concentrat pe viitorul companiei incat l-a angajat pe fostul decan al facultatii de management al prestigioasei universitati Yale pentru postul de vice presedinte al departamentului de resurse umane din cadrul Apple. Jobs i-a dat acestuia directiva de a construi cateva studii de caz despre cele mai importante decizii luate de conducerea companiei Apple in ultimii ani, studii de caz care vor fi prezentate viitoarei conduceri a companiei.

It runs out Podolny has been busy working on a project that speaks directly to the delicate topic of life at Apple after Jobs. At Jobs’ instruction, Podolny hired a team of business professors, including the renowned Harvard veteran and Andy Grove biographer Richard Tedlow. This band of eggheads is writing a series of internal case studies about significant decisions in Apple’s recent history. It’s exactly the sort of thing the major business schools do, except Apple’s case studies are for an Apple-only audience… The goal is to expose the next layer of management to the executive team’s thought process… Jobs even is ensuring that his teachings are being collected, curated and preserved so that future generations of Apple’s leaders can consult and interpret them.

Se pare ca Steve Jobs si-a facut in ultimii ani un plan privind succesiunea la conducerea companiei Apple, totul in ideea de a se asigura ca in eventualitatea mortii sale compania va avea acelasi succes ca si pana acum.