Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars er tilgængelig med rabat i AppStore

Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars

  Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars este unul dintre cele mai interesante jocuri pentru iPhone lansate in App Store de-a lungul anilor. Produs de Rockstar Games, jocul reprezinta un port pe iOS a versiunii disponibile pe console sau PC si recomandarea mea este sa il incercati, macar in versiunea en smule pentru a va face o idee despre el si sa va convingeti ca merita cumparat. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars este unul dintre favoritele mele, unul dintre jocurile pentru care am pierdut destul de multe ore si consider ca a meritat.

Following his father’s murder, Huang Lee has a simple mission: deliver an ancient sword to his Uncle Kenny to ensure his family retains control of the Triad gangs of Liberty City. Huang is a spoiled rich kid who expects everything to run smoothly, but his trip does not go exactly as planned. After being robbed and left to die, he will search for honor, riches and revenge in the most dangerous and morally bankrupt city in the world.

Built specifically for portable devices, the groundbreaking Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars has been updated for iOS devices to provide an enhanced and more immersive experience.

– Universal App! Play on all your supported iOS devices*
– Full Retina Display resolution support
– Support for MFi controllers
– Updated, highly customizable touchscreen controls
– Epic storyline with tons of side-missions, addictive mini-games and hidden collectibles
– Choose from five radio stations or create your own with custom playlist support**

  Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars har været tilgængelig i mere end et år i AppStore og en gennemgå vechi de-al meu gasiti aici. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars este disponibil in format universal in App Store, iar acum il puteti KØBE til en NEDSAT PRIS, men kampagnen vil kun være tilgængelig i en begrænset periode, fordi Rockstar Games ikke deaktiverer den efter juleperioden.