HTC and You

10-25-09htcyou HTC was and probably will be for a long time to come one of the most well-known and loved mobile phone companies. Anyone who had an HTC series phone remembers with "pain" sometimes the unstamped Windows that, like its older brother on the PC, had a good mood to give an error from time to time, the weight with which you succeeded to navigate through the menus, from the waiting minutes until it connects to a satellite. Well, for some time HTC jumped with some of the products from Microsoft's boat and embraced the new system launched by Google, Android and launched on the market several phones such as HTC Hero, HTC Magic or HTC Dream which rivals the iPhone not in hardware, but in software, thanks to the UI of the Android system and the ever-growing number of applications.

It seems that the people from HTC thought it was time to take the giant from California to task and in the field of marketing, below are the 2 advertisements launched by HTC for the HTC and You campaign. I find them captivating, well done and I would really like to see something like that here... gotta love those Americans.