How to make the dock transparent without Winterboard/Bosspaper

I like the transparent dock, that gray one annoys me, I know that others have the same preferences, so I will teach you how to make the dock transparent without having to install applications like Boospaper or Winterboard that eat more resources than necessary.

Step 1

Download this file: and unzip the image from it.

Step 2

Connect the phone to the computer and access the phone via SSH with your favorite utility or using ifunbox, access the system files of the computer and navigate to: System>Library>Core Services> and copy the png file from the archive over the existing one in the phone. If you don't know how to access the phone via SSH, you have a tutorial here.

Step 3

To finish the changes, the phone must be restarted, otherwise the dock will not be changed.

Voila! Transparent dock without any application that eats up your battery for nothing.

If you encounter other problems that are not covered by this tutorial, please ask me using the support page found here.