VolumeBoost 3.1.2 for iPhone/iPod Touch

IMG_0296 The VolumeBoost application for iPhone/iPod Touch that increases the sound of the phone by 20% has been updated to support firmware 3.1.2 and you can find today's update in Cydia. The application works through mobilesubstrate to make the necessary changes to increase the volume, but it must be activated through Winterboard, so to use it you must have Winterboard installed on your phone.

The installation is very simple, open Cydia, search for Volume Boost, you will find it in the ModMyi repo, install it and restart the phone. After the restart, open Winterboard and activate the new application and it will automatically increase the phone's volume by 20%.

Be careful with this application because it could burn your phone's speakers. The new version of the application increases the volume of the headphones by more than 2 times and you could have problems.