Exploit for baseband 05.12.01 found by MuscleNerd

BY A tweet given by MuscleNerd about 20 minutes ago, he announced that the exploit he intended to use in Yellowsn0w is still found in the 05.12.01 baseband.

It seems that after the discussion with geohot MuscleNerd tried his luck again and now we have 2 different exploits that can be used to decode the 05.12.01 baseband, confirmation that the old exploit is still valid coming from MuscleNerd a few minutes later.

Now given the fact that there are 2 different exploits that could be transformed into a software to decode the new baseband, it is very possible that with the launch 3.2 firmware let's see a new decryption program made based on one of the exploits, keeping the other for iPhone OS 4.0.

Of course, this would be the ideal scenario, but there is a very good chance that they won't release anything until the summer just to keep exploits away from Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),. Anyway, in the summer we will surely have a decoding software for our phones.