Apple sued in court for refusing the warranty of phones that had the liquid indicator activated

For those of you who don't know yet, all the models of iPhone / iPod Touch they have mounted liquid indicators that are activated once they come into contact with water, but unfortunately they are not that accurate and can be activated by alternative methods, see this article. It wouldn't be a big problem to activate these sensors if Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), would not refuse the warranty of the phones that activated them, and in USA a person sued Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), because he refused a guarantee iPhone 3G with activated sensors, motivating its action by the fact that the respective sensors can be activated by exposure to humidity, without the terminal coming into direct contact with any liquid, thus the warranty being denied due to defects in the construction process of the respective sensors.

Although Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), refuse all guarantees of the terminals with the respective activated sensors, sources from within the company, the fact that the tests have shown that the respective sensors can be activated due to external elements, and the sensors do not prove without any doubt that the respective terminal has come into contact with liquids (excluding contact with liquids).

Unfortunately, the official position of Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), remains the same, those activated sensors lead to the loss of the warranty, this is valid for all companies that sell iPhones including Orange, so be careful with those sensors because your warranty will be denied if you have them activated. It will be very interesting to follow the outcome of this process, if Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), he will not decide to solve it outside the court.

The liquid sensors are positioned inside the housing for the headphone jack (iPhone 2G/3G/3GS) and inside the slot where the cable enters USB on the phone (iPhone 3GS), you have the exact locations in the image posted above. If you have problems with the phone, it would be good to check the sensors before taking it for warranty.