How to run Android OS on iPhone


It seems that with a little skill you can do almost anything iPhone, team who should have worked on the solution of jailbreak Spirit has been busy lately with the modification of the operating system AndroidOS to be used on a iPhone. In the video above you have one iPhone 2G which runs successfully AndroidOS and it moves quite decently considering the hardware specifications of the terminal, if there was one iPhone 3GS I assume it moves excellently.

All software features work without problems, the only ones that do not work are those related to hardware functions of certain phones that use AndroidOS. I noticed something quite interesting, the phone signal was noticeably stronger in AndroidOS than in iPhone OS, are all the problems with the signal to blame? Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),?

Development for porting AndroidOS will continue to provide users with iPhone an "alternative" in case they get bored, it is true that this whole process involves a dual boot system, but would you be willing to accept a compromise to be able to see flash content on iPhone?


  1. Lol, that would mean not using the iPhone OS at all. I don't see this as a solution plus you probably won't be able to use all the functions of the phone.

  2. @Jezatheone: I don't know what to say, I would install out of curiosity and that's all, I don't see myself using Android OS daily, but who knows, it depends on which functions don't work 100% correctly.
    Interestingly, the signal is better.

  3. This is like taking your MacBook and installing windows (even those from Apple offer this possibility), but how poor it is to do something like this, when Apple's OS is the most stable. Linux, which is more stable than it, which is not on phones, and for a home desktop/laptop is not worth installing.

  4. Have you guys ever held an android phone in your hand? I mean something more recent, a desire (faster proc doesn't crash android) let's say? no nonsense.. listen to it, it's not stable... it's a kind of jailbroken iPhone from factory, keep comparing iphone os with android, well if there was no jailbreak iphone os was 1000 years ago in terms of functionality

  5. I for one do not have JB. Android is quite behind in applications. And those who buy a locked iPhone, that's the risk of the job. At least until now, it is not a more stable OS than the one from Apple. Here I also refer to telephony and desktop/laptop.

  6. Those who know how should prepare a terminal with Android OS that runs comparable to iPhone OS and send it as a gift to Steve Jobs on his birthday :))

  7. I downloaded the archive for the reason. inside it you have a Readme with each detailed step. My problem is that I don't have a linux installed, so apparently you need to compile some things yourself...has anyone else tried this?

  8. There is no need to delete the iphone os from the phone when you install android, I did this and it is dual boot, besides that iDroid as this project is also called is still the Alpha version but it is quite functional... we are waiting for future versions.