FaceTime – the application for video calls from iOS 4


As I have already presented here, the new iPhone 4 will have a front camera that will allow video calls exclusively via a WiFi network, and this new feature was extremely well implemented by Apple in its new phone, but you can already see this from the video above .

This new feature is only available if you use it between 2 iPhone 4, so it will not work with any other smartphone that allows video calls and everything works through the Phone application, basically initiate a call to another iPhone 4 and in the menu where you choose in normally you will have another "speaker" option for initiating the video call, the video call will be opened immediately and you will be able to see the person you called and chat with them.

I have to admit that everything moves extremely fluently, at least in the video, and you probably have to have a fairly strong data connection to get the same results, but everything is very well done.