iTunes 9.2 available UPDATE 2

iTunes 9.2 is now available for download, be careful NOT to update to this version of iTunes for the time being because there is a possibility of losing the jailbreak, especially if it was done with Spirit. The warning message came from iH8sn0w and for now there is no information about the possible problems that iTunes 9.2 could cause, but I also recommend you not to install iTunes 9.2 until MuscleNerd confirms that everything is ok.

It seems that iTunes 9.2 allows users to restore to iOS 4.0 GM from Windows, but for now don't update!

Here's what's new in iTunes 9.2:

  • Sync and read books with iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 4 and iBooks 1.1
  • Organize and sync PDF documents as books. Read PDFs with iBooks 1.1 on iPad and any iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 4
  • Organize your apps on your iOS 4 home screens into folders using iTunes
  • Faster back-ups while syncing an iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 4
  • Album artwork improvements make artwork appear more quickly when exploring your library

UPDATED : iH8sn0w confirms that using iTunes 9.2 with a phone jailbroken with Spirit leads to a boot loop, meaning your phone will boot constantly and you will have to restore it, so DO NOT venture into iTunes 9.2 yet.

UPDATE 2 : Dev Team a confirmed that iTunes 9.2 causes problems for those jailbroken with Spirit and warns us not to install iTunes 9.2. It is not yet known if there will be a solution for this problem, however, those who have jailbroken with PwnageTool and redsn0w can install iTunes 9.2 quietly.