Steve Jobs - the smartest CEO in history

The statement belongs to Fortune Magazine, which named Steve Jobs as the smartest CEO in history, and his friend Jony Ive, VP of Apple, was named the smartest designer in history. Looking at the evolution of Apple in the last decade, I would say that the statement from Fortune is very correct because since 1997, when Steve Jobs returned to the company, and until now Apple has reached a value of over $250 billion.

"He is a visionary, a micromanager, and a showman who creates such anticipation around new products that their releases are veritable holidays,"

Jony Ive, head of the design division for Apple products, had an extremely important contribution to the success of iDevices, mainly, but also of MacBooks. Without him, Apple's products probably would not have reached the current standards, standards that other smartphone manufacturers have been trying to reach for years.

As Apple's senior vice president of industrial design, Ive, 43, is an expert at manufacturing lust. Like his boss, he is a perfectionist who leads a small team working in near secrecy. Most Apple employees aren't allowed in his studio. From the iPod to the iPhone to the iPad, his contributions have set the course not just for Apple but for design more broadly.

Steve Jobs is a revolutionary, he fought to save his company, he fought to escape death, and I for one hope that he will remain among us for a long time because without him we would have stayed with the old Nokia 1100.