Consumer Reports refuses to recommend the iPhone 4

Consumer Reports stands by its position and refuses to recommend the iPhone 4 due to signal problems, although last night Apple tried to clarify, in its own style, what are the causes of this problem. Yesterday, Consumer Reports published an article in which it ridicules the statements made by Steve Jobs at the press conference and in the end supports his statements made last week, that is, I do not recommend iPhone 4 to consumers.

To be honest, there is a small paradox here, Consumer Reports claims that the iPhone 4 is the best smartphone on the market, but refuses to recommend it to customers due to antenna problems. If it has problems with the antenna, then why is it the best on the market? If it's the best on the market, why don't you recommend it? I know that their claims regarding supremacy focus on other features of the iPhone 4, but still, when you say it's the best phone, you're also recommending it.

Consumer Reports believes Apple's offer of free cases is a good first step. However, Apple has indicated that this is not a long-term solution, it has guaranteed the offer only through September 30th, and has not extended it unequivocally to customers who bought cases from third-party vendors. We look forward to a long-term fix from Apple. As things currently stand, the iPhone 4 is still not one of our Recommended models.