How iPhone 4 sales in Romania could destroy Liberty

Today the newspaper Libertatea wrote a article on his website in which he breaks ground with the iPhone 4, saying that Steve Jobs admitted during the conference on Friday that the iPhone 4 is a failure due to signal problems. The "source" of this information seems to be an Australian site, so those who deal with freedom articles look for the information in the best places.

Newspapers in Romania are generally absolutely parallel to technology, most of the articles written by them are generally far from reality and the article written by libertate is no exception. The person who wrote the article is more than ill-informed about the iPhone 4, not to mention the problems with the antenna or what was discussed at the conference. Steve Jobs never said that the iPhone 4 was a failure and he never acknowledged the signal problems that the iPhone 4 would have, so stop taking what all kinds of "publishers" write in the newspapers.

I wrote this article because the website of those from freedom is visited by hundreds of thousands of people every day and their article represents gross disinformation, and some Romanians are very easily influenced.