Orange realizes that it has customers with iPhone/iPad, it is holding an application contest

Until now, Orange has not shown interest in making any application for customers who purchased an iPhone through its stores, but this summer something finally moved at Orange and now we have the first application made by them, Orange Film, but also a new application competition. Here's what this entails contest :

Between 11.8.2010 - 12.9.2010 Orange invites you to participate in the competition. If you have already created an iPhone application or have an idea you believe in, answer the Orange challenges and we will make them known. You just have to register them here, in one of the "existing applications" and "new ideas" sections, until September 12, 2010.

If your application convinces the jury and website visitors that it is the best, we will reward you.
Discover here what can you win

And the prizes... sound of drums…. :

If your application convinces the jury that it is the best, we will reward you. To the category existing applications I have prepared the following prizes for you:

  • 1.000 euros and the latest iPhone model
  • 1.000 €
  • 500 €

The best idea of the application will also be rewarded:

The winner will participate in 2011 WWDC conference, if he submits an application idea in the contest and creates it by December 31, 2010. We will take care of transportation, accommodation and conference participation fees, so that you can make the most of this experience.

The prizes are interesting, but I wouldn't hold out much hope that you will see that iPhone 4 until the end of September, especially the participation in WWDC 2011. Congratulations to Orange for finally showing interest in offering something to the iPhone community from Romania, the beginning is good and of course we expect more such initiatives.

I'm curious, will any of you enter this contest? I mean of course the developers who read my site.