iPhone 4 launched tomorrow in South Africa, get your money ready

The iPhone 4 is going to be launched in many countries this week and it seems that the Vodaone operator will launch the iPhone 4 in South Africa on a Tuesday. Apple normally has scheduled releases at the end of the week, so this is really a release out of the chart, but it's a good thing because there is still a little time until the end of the month and it indicates that Orange could release the iPhone 4 on any day of the week. There are only 9 days until the deadline set by Steve Jobs for the iPhone 4 launch in 88 countries (including Romania), and Orange will most likely launch the terminal either this week or at the beginning of next week.

I know that everything is just an assumption now, but I suggest you prepare your money and visit zaone.ro often because you never know when Orange will make the big announcement and you will definitely want to be among the first to order/pre-order order an iPhone 4 because stocks will be "thin".