Mobile phones have 18 times more germs than a toilet flush button

Some Stanford researchers "set out to scare the world" and did a small experiment related to the number of microbes on the touchscreen of some mobile phones. They put some microbes on the screens of touchscreen terminals and started testing to see what percentage of the microbes placed there end up infecting our bodies. The results were quite frightening for us considering that approximately 30% of the microbes on that touchscreen ended up in the bodies of the people who participated in the tests. The microbes got into the body because people touched their eyes/mouth/nose involuntarily after touching the screen and thus the microbes were transferred into the body.

Although they seem quite frightening, these results pale in front of another test whose results claim that mobile phones have 18 times more microbes on them than the flush button of a public toilet. So from now on, think twice before scratching your eyes/putting your finger in your mouth after touching the phone screen.