Nexus Two manufactured by Samsung and presented on November 8?

Samsung will organize a conference on November 8 in which it will present a new mobile terminal running the Android OS operating system. According to some sources from within the Google company, at that conference Samsung will present the Nexus Two terminal that will run Android Gingerbread 2.3 and not 3.0 as it has been doing lately. I told you in the morning that by Christmas Google could launch the Nexus Two terminal through a large British retailer and the rumor could be true, but it seems that eventually Google will also opt for signing contracts with the major telephone operators in Europe for the marketing of the Nexus Two terminal.

If you were thinking about buying an Android phone in the next two weeks, please stop what you are doing and read this post. Something big is coming and I think you will want to know the full details before you get tied up in another 2-year contract with your carrier. Google and Samsung will announce the "Nexus Two" at a press conference on November 8th in New York city. The phone will be the first device to ship with stock Gingerbread (Android 2.3) and it will be available soon on multiple carriers.

Why is the news about the Nexus Two launch important to us? Well, because today everything is based on competition and if Apple has no serious competitors then the future iDevices will not have any serious news. The Google Nexus One was a very good competitor for the iPhone 3GS and in almost all the tests it surpassed it in almost all the chapters and I hope that Google will now release a Nexus Two that will do the same thing in order to motivate those from Apple to make a iPhone 5 much better.