Interview with a Romanian application developer awarded by Orange

You all know about the application contest organized by Orange, so there is no point in going into details about it, but I would like to go into details about the winners because I chose to do a mini-interview with one of them, more precisely his Victor Campeanu the application developer Driving School who won 3rd place in that competition. I thought it was interesting to find out "from the mouth" of a developer what this application development process means and what satisfaction it can bring you, so I invite you to read the interview below:

Hello! Please tell us a few words about yourself.

Hello, I'm 30 years old, I've only been programming for 1 year and during this time I've managed to write 10 applications for iPhone and iPad.

When and how did you decide to start developing applications for the iOS platform and what exactly attracted you to this platform?

I was attracted to the iPhone from the first presentation, it was clear that this is the future. A year after its launch, the iPhone SDK appeared, a program that allowed anyone to create and sell their own creations, however absurd they might be. When I read about the success of the iFart application (hundreds of thousands of sales) I decided to learn programming. I resigned from my job and in less than 3-4 months I learned the C language, then I invested in a Mac Mini on which I started doing all kinds of tutorials in Xcode.

What advantages do you think iOS offers compared to other operating systems for mobile terminals?

For users, first of all, the ease of use, then the special attention to design, the AppStore and the way to find and install applications, the huge number of applications, the performance that comes from the years of experience accumulated in the development of OS X.

For developers, the fact that it uses a language derived from C and the sales model in which Apple keeps 30% and the developer 70% of the price chosen by him.

How long does it take to develop an iOS application?

depending on the complexity, it can last from 3-4 days to 2-3 months. In my case, I prefer to work more to offer a competitive product in the AppStore for several years.

Please explain to us in a few words what the development process of an application involves.

First of all, a good idea and a search in the AppStore for other similar applications. If it does not exist, then there are high chances that the application will be successful. If there is already something similar and I think I can make something better, as was the case with the Dictionary application, then there will be many hours and even days spent in Photoshop looking for the ideal design. Until I am fully satisfied with every color, line, location of the buttons, etc.. and until I write a list of options and facilities that will satisfy even the most demanding buyer, I do not move on.

The coding part takes the least time. A few days of testing on all types of iOS devices, fixing bugs and optimizing for speed and battery are coming.

How much money can a Romanian developer earn from applications accepted in the AppStore?

If only applications that target the Romanian public work, then they cannot earn very well. In the Romanian top, you can reach first place with 10 sales. Financial success comes when you manage to reach the top 100 in the American AppStore and when you have a good promotion network.

Do you regret having the courage to develop applications for iOS?

I regret that I didn't have the courage to start a year earlier when the number of applications was much smaller and the visibility of an application much higher.

I know some of your apps are hacked, does this affect you in any way? Does piracy really have that big of an impact on sales?

I don't mind too much, if those who hack show the applications to others it can be called free advertising. Anyway, those who hack did not intend to buy the application, so the material loss is almost zero.

What do you think about jailbreak?

It made sense until version 2.0. It brought some interesting options back in 3.0. Now it seems pointless.

What has been your relationship with Apple over time?

I was refused 2 applications, one for this website and another very complex one about Michael Jackson, so I can't say that I have too good feelings towards them.

What would you like Apple to change in its relationship with iOS application developers?

Lately they have solved all the financial problems and the communication and support given to the developers is very good.

Where can people find out more information about the applications developed by you?

Pe I put videos of each application in action. A lack of the current AppStore is the ability to test programs before buying them. A video preview is currently the best solution to show the experience offered.

What surprises have you prepared for Romanian iDevices users?

Soon there will be some surprises as updates to the existing applications, especially the driving school, and 2 new applications for the Romanian market that I am sure will become the most popular in the following year.