iOS 4.2 could be released on November 9 or 12!

Almost a week has passed since Apple a released the GM version of iOS 4.2 which is essentially the final version of iOS 4.2 but for now is only available for developers to give them the chance to update their applications before the actual release. Normally, the GM version precedes the final version by about 2 weeks, but a website from Germany claims that it has information from a mobile operator indicating that iOS 4.2 could be released on November 9. Considering that the information itself is not 100% credible, the representatives of the German site tried to find other evidence to support the information and found it, but it was not exactly what they were looking for. Those there discovered that Apple will release carrier updates for O12 Germany on November 2, and it is possible that iOS 4.2 will be released at the same time.

From my point of view, the date of November 9 is not valid because iOS 4.2 brings a lot of changes and developers need time to update their applications, but the date of the 12th could be real because it is still 10 days after the release of GM of the Anyway, before the launch we should see a new version of iTunes available and it is possible that this new version will appear 2-3 days before the actual launch or even on the day of the launch. No one can say with 100% certainty when the launch will take place, but I recommend you to be careful in the next period and not to update to iOS 4.2 "by mistake".