Apple threatened again with the increase in production prices

In the middle of last month, the company Foxconn, the largest producer of hardware components for iDevices, announced that it will increase production prices due to the increase in Internet expenses with employee salaries. Then Apple did not make any comment regarding a possible price increase for its terminals, so it covered this loss to remain competitive on the market. Now several other suppliers of components for iDevices have declared that due to exchange rate fluctuations there is a possibility that the prices for the components supplied to Apple may be increased.

These suppliers claim that exchange rate fluctuations have generated losses of 0.5/1%, so to cover these decreases, the prices of the finished products delivered to Apple will have to increase. It is hard to believe that Apple will endlessly cover these increases and it is quite possible that the iPad 2 and maybe the iPhone 5 will have slightly higher prices than the current models.